Wheel Squad

Wheel Squad is an animated television series produced by M6 Metropole, RAI, and France Animation. The show involves four kids (Jessica, Akim, Bob and Johnny) who like riding skateboards, mountain bikes, roller skates, and so forth. They also protect their community from vandals and greedy businesspeople.



Wheel Squad

Jessica - She's the leader and the only female (if you don't count Emilie) of the Wheel Squad. She dreams about becoming an actress and works up that dream by acting and even directing school plays. Her father works in England and only made one appearance in the series. When her mother threatened to leave town for not having resources to fix her beauty parlor she pretended to date Akim (who is oblivious to the fact Jessica really loves him) so she would stay. She once entered an ice skating contest where she was taunted by girls who said she couldn't win for not being feminine. When the Wheel Squad boys couldn't say she was feminine and her mother scolded her saying she was in no condition to complain about that since she acts and dresses like a boy she reluctantly asks for Emilie's help. Her wheel specialty is roller skates.

Akim - Like Jessica, Akim also excels in roller skates. He has more siblings than any other member of the Wheel Squad and is the eldest child of his parents. His father owns the local grocery shop and he usually helps with the work there.

Bob - The African-descendant member of the group. He's the only member of the Wheel Squad (if you don't count Emilie) who is not good at roller skates, which was noted mainly when they agreed to catch a burglar at World-Mart (they only agreed when the burglar robbed Jessica's Mom's beauty parlor which is located at World-Mart) and when they created a team of rollerball (each team needed four members) and they tried to encourage him saying they needed someone to miss the basket. He's an expert in mountain bikes.

Johnny - The skateboard expert of the group. He's an excellent artist, having once painted the school front wall to increase his grades so his parents wouldn't send him to summer school.

Emilie - A rich girl who is friends with the Wheel Squad. She's a blonde who usually wears blue and can afford the fanciest things available since her stepfather is the wealthy owner of the World-Mart. She's spoiled and isn't good at any wheels, which consists the main reason she's usually not considered a member of the Wheel Squad despite her many attempts to join the gang. Jessica is the one who most despises the idea of Emilie joining the Wheel Squad and is the most reluctant whenever they need her help.

The Snakes

The Snakes are the local vandals of the show and are willing to do anything for money, even forcing little kids into their dirty schemes. They are Willy, Cactus and Alex.

Willy - The leader of the group. He's the one who comes up with the plans.

Cactus - A short and skinny boy who is allergical to several things through the series. He once tried to counter this by covering his face with his shirt but it backfired when his friends couldn't understand a thing he said from inside the shirt.

Alex - The seemingly dumbest member of the Snakes, Alex wears a red jumpsuit with a matching cap.

In one episode Jessica had a crush on a boy who was later revealed to be a fourth Snake, who after that only returned to the series when the Snakes created a rollerball team and needed a fourth member.

Other Characters

Mr. Rotter - The owner of the World-Mart. He's a respected businessman and the stepfather of Emilie. He treats Emilie like they really were father and daughter. And while she knows he isn't her biological father (who is never seen or heard of), as evidenced by the fact she describes him as her stepfather whenever she mentions him in conversations with her friends, she calls him Dad. Mr. Rotter has a collection of ties he likes to the point of ironing them by himself rather than having anybody else touch them.

Enzo - The manager of the World-Mart. He usually tries to take advantage of this position to score some dirty money however the Wheel Squad foils his plans. Some of these plans include purchasing low-quality paint and secretly re-selling it when Mr. Rotter tells him to throw it away, thinking nobody wants to buy it however the plan meets an obstacle when Emilie, knowing Johnny needs some paint for a school display, suggest Mr. Rotter to donate it in order to improve his public image.

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